The Best Age for a Cane Corso to Go to Its Forever Home

Bringing a Cane Corso puppy into your home is an exciting and joyful event. However, knowing the best age for your new furry friend to make the transition to their forever home is crucial for their development, well-being, and overall adjustment. This blog post explores the ideal age for a Cane Corso to leave their litter and join your family, highlighting the benefits and reasons behind this timing.

The Ideal Age: 8 to 10 Weeks

1. Socialization and Development

Between 8 and 10 weeks of age, Cane Corso puppies are in a critical period of socialization. During this time, they learn essential skills from their mother and littermates, such as bite inhibition, play behavior, and social cues. Removing them from the litter too early can deprive them of these important lessons, potentially leading to behavioral issues later in life.

2. Weaning and Health

By 8 weeks, most Cane Corso puppies are fully weaned from their mother’s milk and are eating solid food. This ensures that they are nutritionally ready to thrive in their new environment. Additionally, they have had their first round of vaccinations, providing some immunity to common puppy illnesses. Waiting until they are at least 8 weeks old helps ensure they are physically prepared for the transition.

3. Bonding and Training

At around 8 to 10 weeks, Cane Corso puppies are highly receptive to bonding with their new human family. This is the perfect time to start basic training, socialization with people, and exposure to various environments. Puppies at this age are generally curious, eager to learn, and adaptable, making it easier to establish a strong bond and lay the foundation for good behavior.

Why Not Sooner?

1. Behavioral Issues

Puppies taken away from their mother and littermates before 8 weeks may exhibit behavioral problems such as separation anxiety, excessive biting, and difficulties in social interactions with other dogs. Early separation can hinder their ability to learn crucial social skills, leading to long-term behavioral challenges.

2. Health Concerns

Puppies younger than 8 weeks are more vulnerable to health issues. Their immune systems are not fully developed, making them more susceptible to infections and diseases. They also rely heavily on their mother’s milk for essential nutrients and antibodies that protect them from illnesses.

Why Not Later?

1. Socialization Opportunities

While staying with their littermates beyond 10 weeks is not inherently harmful, it may limit the crucial socialization window. Puppies need to be exposed to a variety of people, environments, and experiences during this time to become well-adjusted adults. A new home provides a broader range of socialization opportunities that are essential for their development.

2. Bonding and Training

Older puppies may take longer to adjust to a new environment and bond with their new family. Early weeks are optimal for forming strong attachments and beginning basic training. Delaying the transition may make it harder to establish these bonds and training routines.


The best age for a Cane Corso puppy to go to its forever home is between 8 and 10 weeks. This timing ensures that the puppy is adequately weaned, has started vaccinations, and has learned essential social skills from their mother and littermates. By waiting until this critical age, you are setting the foundation for a well-adjusted, healthy, and happy Cane Corso who will thrive in their new home.

When bringing a Cane Corso puppy into your life, prioritize their well-being and development. Working with a reputable breeder who understands the importance of this timing can make a significant difference in your puppy’s future. Enjoy the journey of raising your Cane Corso, and cherish the special moments as you welcome them into your family.

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