

Conditions of Sale

  1. Registration: Our puppies are sold as purebred Cane Corsos and are registrable with either the American Kennel Club (AKC) or the International Cane Corso Federation (ICCF), depending on the lineage. Full registration papers will be provided directly to the buyer once completed. The kennel name "Son of Atkin's" must always be the initial name on the registration papers and cannot be changed without breeder permission.
  2. Health Guarantee: We guarantee that our puppies are in good health at the time of adoption and have received age-appropriate vaccinations and wormings. A veterinarian health certificate will be provided. Buyers are advised to have their own veterinarian examine the puppy within 5 business days after pickup. If a health issue is found within 14 days of pickup, the buyer may return the puppy (at their expense) with a written statement from their vet, and we will replace the puppy. Replacement puppies will be of the same quality, but not necessarily from the same parents. Delivery costs for the replacement puppy are the buyer's responsibility.
  3. Genetic Guarantee: We offer a 24-month guarantee against severe hip dysplasia and life-threatening congenital defects. If such an issue arises, a replacement puppy will be provided upon submission of a veterinarian report. Size, color, and pick are not guaranteed; only the sex of the replacement puppy.
  4. Liability: We are not responsible for any veterinarian fees after the puppy leaves our premises or for any issues not covered by our guarantee.


Our guarantee does not cover certain conditions, including coccidiosis, parasites, cherry eye, viral or bacterial infections, reproductive issues, and more. Show or breeding prospects are not guaranteed in any litter.

Buyer Agreement

Buyers agree to provide a suitable home, including proper diet, regular veterinary care, and training. Dogs are not to be used for dog fighting or combat sports. Basic obedience training is mandatory before the dog is 12 months old. Buyers agree not to sell or dispose of the dog without contacting us first, and we have the first right to take the dog back. Breeding dogs must be at least 19 months old before breeding. Failure to comply with these terms may result in ownership reverting to the breeder.

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